勵志英語Inspirational English (一學年)
The course aims at lifting learner’s spirits while they are poking their nose at the splendid, transcendent and insightful works by the prestigious saint, philosophers and literary writers. Reading of these works can have our mind broadened, purified, ascending to the truthdom, which guides us the way to understand life and death, what and how we should do to make our lives more meaningful and worthy. 本課程為學員提供多篇由哲者及名家撰寫之文章,同時亦介紹一些經世讀本,除了啟發學員對生命價值之了解外,亦興發其心志,對真理與美善有所企仰。學員於閱覽文章之際,猶如在勞碌繁忙之生活裡,稍停下來,享用一口清冽甘泉,淨化心靈。 Human Rights and Justice, and free will (人權,公平與自由意志) Unit 1 Selma 出民主之路 馬丁路德‧金 Unit 2 Cry, My beloved Country 哭吧!我親愛的鄉土 Alan Patan Unit 3 Freedom is not a gift from Heaven 自由是要靠自己爭取的 a. Inaugural Address, 1994 1994 年總統就職演說 Mandela 曼德拉 b. Freedom through Peace and Perseverance 以和平及堅毅精神爭取自由 Gandi甘地 On Life (絮語人生) Unit 1 Life Whispering 人生呢喃 Lai King Lau Unit 2 We are on a Journey 在人生路途上 Judie Paxton Unit 3 If the Dream is big enough 中心有目標,風雨不折腰 Johnna Parr Unit 4 The giving Tree 無私的付出 Shel Silverstein Unit 5 How I love Thee 愛你無盡 Engelbert Humperdinck Unit 6 Nature 大自然之美 Ralph Waldo Emerson Unit 7 However Mean your Life is 不管你的生命如何卑微 Henry David Thoreau Unit 8 Human Life like a Dream 人生如詩 林語堂 Unit 9 The Joy of Living 愉快地生活 A.T. Rowe Unit 10 On Love 談愛 Kahlil Gibran Unit 11 On Beauty 談美 Kahlil Gibran

導     師 黎景鎏

      黎景鎏先生,英國格洛斯特大學(Gloucestershire University)文學士,英國語言學會會員(MCIL),英國雪斐爾大學(The University of Sheffield)及洛丁漢大學(The University of Nottingham) 碩士,曾任新亞文商書院教務長兼中英語文及翻譯系系主任。黎先生早年在香港大專院校修讀中西哲學,完成哲學碩士課程,善於講述生命哲學。



上課時間逢星期五 下午6:00-7:30


堂     數約30堂

名     額

學     費全期$1400(另講義費 $200)

