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Copyright Notice

Unless otherwise stated, Chi Lin Nunnery (“Chi Lin”) reserves all copyright in all the contents available on this website, including but not limited to all text, graphics, audio, video, drawing, diagrams, photographs and compilation of data or other materials.

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The information provided by the Chi Lin Nunnery (“Chi Lin”) on this website is for general and indicative purpose only. While reasonable endeavours have been made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided on this website, no guarantee on the part of Chi Lin is provided in this regard. Accordingly, Chi Lin will NOT and shall NOT be liable for any errors, omissions, misstatements or misrepresentations concerning (whether express or implied) any such information, and will not be responsible whatsoever for any loss, damage or injury, directly or indirectly, (including without limitation consequential loss, destruction or damage) howsoever arising from or in respect of any use or misuse of the information contained on this website.

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